
With CentriFuel you are always assured of clean fuel without dirt, water, algae and bacteria. The following specifications apply to all proudct types:

Capacity separator720 l/h
Capacity transfer pump80l/h
Fuel Hose Reel20m size ¾”
Capacity tank waste water15 l
Forklift pockets Yes
Filling connection clean fuelFilling Nozzle A60 automatic Piusi

With our various prodcuts, we can provide you with the exact solution you need. Click one of the items below for all technical specifications per product type.

CentriFuel FWS-12-SA

CentriFuel FWS-12-3000

CentriFuel FWS-12-3000-L

CentriFuel FWS-12-4000-10ft

CentriFuel Customized

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